1 - Brief Introduction

Limer-Cart Indústria e Comércio de Embalagens Ltda., a legal entity registered with CNPJ No. 66.792.490/0001-14, headquartered at Route Engenheiro João Toselo s/n, km 103.3 – Jardim Nova Limeira – Limeira SP, ZIP CODE 13.486-264, committed with a policy focused on respect for privacy, with a commitment to deliver the better to our customers, suppliers and employees, with high maintenance ethical standards, in the protection of the guidelines provided for in Law 13.709/2018 – General Law of Data Protection, establishes its Data Protection Policy.

In addition to marketing our products, we collect some personal data that belong to those who use our website, from customers, suppliers, service providers service and employees, when we assume the quality of CONTROLLER of these data, in accordance with the provisions of the aforementioned law.

Also, in compliance with the highlighted Legislation, we appointed an administrator who will be responsible for the communication channel with the holder of the personal data, called OPERADOR (OPERATOR), which may be triggered for questions or requests, in addition to suggestions and criticisms, by e-mail: By browsing our portal or using our internet applications, subscribing to the consent form, you freely and spontaneously agree, expressly and in full, with our terms and policy on the treatment of your data.

It also declares to be aware of civil and criminal liability for the provision of fake or third-party data.


This privacy policy aims to inform you about the way your personal data is processed, treated and stored by Limer-Cart and the extent of its rights as the Holder of personal data, in compliance with Brazilian law externalized by Law 13.709/2018.


3.1- Legitimate, adequate and proportional use of Personal Data We process Personal Data for legitimate purposes, specific and explicit, without the possibility of further treatment in an incompatible way for the purposes that were presented to the Data Subject or in disagreement with the what had been informed to them. We process Personal Data on a limited basis to the minimum necessary for each purpose and proportional to the treatment performed.

3.2- Guarantee of Free Access We guarantee easy consultation regarding the use of the Data, providing the Holder, clear, accurate and accessible information on the performance, treatment and Data storage

3.3- Transparency and Quality Limer-Cart informs you about each data processing it carries out, updated from clearly, according to the need and for the fulfillment of the purpose of the treatment.

3.4- Security in the use and processing of Personal Data We use technical and administrative measures to protect Personal Data of unauthorized access and accidental or unlawful situations of destruction, loss, alteration, communication or dissemination.

3.5- Adoption of Prevention Measures We adopt measures to prevent the occurrence of damage due to the use or illegitimate or unauthorized access to Personal Data

3.6- Non-discrimination in the use of personal data We do not process personal data for discriminatory, unlawful or abusive purposes.

3.7- Responsibility and accountability We take effective measures capable of proving compliance and compliance the rules on the protection of personal data and the effectiveness of these measures.


The company responsible for the processing of personal data is: Limer-Cart Indústria e Comércio de Embalagens Ltda., enrolled with CNPJ No. 66.792.490/0001-14, headquartered at Route Engenheiro João Toselo s/n, km 103.3 – Jardim Nova Limeira – Limeira SP, ZIP CODE 13.486-264

5- PERSONAL DATA, PURSUANT TO LGPD (General Data Protection Law)

5.1- Personal Data: Information related to the identified or identifiable individual.

5.2- Sensitive Personal Data: Special category of personal data regarding racial or ethical origin, religious conviction, political opinion, union membership, or organization of character religious, philosophical or political, pertaining to health or sex life, genetic data or biometrics, linked to a natural person.

5.3- Anonymized Data Data relating to the holder without the possibility of being identified, directly or indirectly, achieved from a process of anonymization, by technical means and reasonable, available at the time of your treatment.

5.4- Database Structured set of Personal Data, established in one or several locations, with electronic or physical support.


Any operation carried out with personal data, such as those related to the collection, production, reception, classification, use, access, reproduction, transmission, distribution, processing, archiving, storing, deleting, evaluating or information control, modification, communication, transfer, dissemination or extraction”.

6.1- Personal Data Subjects The following are holders of the personal data reached by this Privacy Policy:

a) Customers and/or future customers

b) Suppliers or service providers

c) Partners and those responsible for companies that are customers, suppliers or Contractors

d) Visitors who enter the company through the ordinance or in contact through the website of the enterprise; company; corporation; concern

e) Drivers, assistants or third parties in general, who contact the company through its service channels or in its physical establishments

f) Minor apprentices following the guidelines of the Ministry of Labor, and when data from minors is collected, this collection is carried out in the context of compliance with legal or regulatory obligations, and for the exercise of rights in administrative or judicial proceedings, respecting the legal requirements for the processing of this Personal Data


The data subject is assured in relation to the data processed by Limer-Cart, the at any time and upon request by e-mail, the following:

  • Confirmation of the existence of treatment; 
  • Access to data;
  • Correction of incomplete, inaccurate or outdated data; 
  • Anonymization, blocking or deletion of sensitive or unnecessary data, excessive or treated in nonconformity 
  • Portability of your data to another service or product provider, upon express request;
  • Deletion of data processed with the consent of the data subject, except in cases of Compliance with legal or regulatory obligations by the Controller;
  • Obtaining information about public or private entities with which the Controller shared your data
  • Information about the possibility of not giving your consent as well as to be informed about the consequences, in case of refusal;
  • Revocation of consent

8 - Data Collected

In order for us to comply with the General Data Protection Law, we use your personal data to improve your experience so that the security and protection of the information provided Within the scope of the website ( Limer-Cart collects of the data actively entered by the user at the time of registration, namely:

  • Name
  • Cidade
  • Phone
  • Email

Thus, we use your data to improve your address within our portal or physically through our registration area, so that we can offer you highlights that relate to your profile. Also, to make it easier contacted, we will keep your registration up to date.

In addition, the data provided by the interested party in becoming our employee, at the time you submit your Curriculum Vitae on our website. Such documents will be handled by our Human Resources department for selection and recruitment.

When such documents are forwarded through our website, they may remain in our database to be analyzed in other opportunities, provided that the Consent Form is signed for the processing of the data.

9-Shared Data

In order to offer you better products, competitive prices and a better quick approval of your purchase orders, we will be able to share your data with partner companies, in accordance with their will and for specific analysis purposes of registration and credit with searches through bureau and bank information and notaries.

10-Data Retention

We retain your personal data only for as long as necessary to achieve the purposes that led to the collection, always based on the legal basis and guidelines of the LGPD


For you to enjoy our services and/or maintain the business partnership with the highest possible security, and the leakage of personal data is a risk inherent to the institutions that carry out data processing, in addition to having total secrecy and discretion of our employees, we are in alignment with the guidelines of the LGPD, the personal data collected are protected with the application of measures institutions and a strict control over the access of their data.

We guarantee that whenever possible, we will use your data anonymously, in order to preserve its identity and, in case of access by unauthorized persons, we are prepared to adopt technical measures capable of giving due protection to your data.

12-Data Subject Rights 

Confirmation of the existence or not of processed data and access to data stored by Limer-Cart;

Correction of data in case of error, inconsistency or absence of any data personnel that can be supplemented or corrected by Limer-Cart, which may still offer, if you wish, a document proving the alleged;

Anonymization, blocking or deletion of unnecessary data, if you understand that your data are being used in a manner contrary to or excessive to the expected. In the case of total deletion of the data, however, it will imply the deletion REGISTRY 

Data portability, if you wish, linked to regulation of this right by the Competent Authority, in accordance with the LGPD, you may request the portability of your personal data to another supplier or provider service station network

Information about the entities that the Parent Company shared, and Limer-Cart must provide you with information regarding the public entity or private, with whom your personal data has been shared;

Revocation of Consent, at any time or time, you may revoke the consent previously granted, so that Limer-Cart ceases to process your data. 

Complaint to the National Authority, if it is in your interest to report any reason that violates your rights, you can proceed with it directly with the National Authority;

13- Review, Improvement and Innovation in our Privacy Policy

Continuous improvement of our privacy policy is a commitment to the data subject and aims to adapt to future changes and regulations that there may be in the LGPD, as well as giving greater transparency and improvement in the treatment and information security.

At the beginning of this Privacy Policy document, you will find the date of edition, making it possible to always be aware of any changes, since we reserve the right to revise and amend this Privacy Policy to any moment, which will be immediately published on this and our website page, being that the updated version of our Privacy Policy that will always appear in the top part of the document.

It is critical that the user makes sure that they carefully read any forwarded communication when related to the changes to the Privacy Policy.

14- Applicable Law and Jurisdiction of Election

In our Privacy Policy, the Constitution and the Legislation of the Federative Republic of Brazil, with emphasis on Law 13.709/2018, LGPD - General Law of Data Protection Disputes and Conflict Resolution involving this Privacy Policy, should preferably be resolved extra judicially and, if there is no agreement, any dispute shall be discussed within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of District of Limeira, headquarters of Limer-Cart, to the exclusion of any other, however privileged as it may be.


CNPJ: 66.792.490/0001-14

Dr. Gilson Zorzetti Teixeira – Advogado OAB/SP 318.978

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